FOIMan highlights some upcoming events he’ll be speaking at.
Freedom of Information in Practice: this Wednesday (17th April 2019) at 12.30pm I’ll be delivering a webinar for CILIP (the Library Association) which is open to anyone. We’ll be looking at the practical aspects of FOIA compliance: logging and tracking requests, training, establishing an internal network of helpers and so on. Details of how to book to attend can be found here on the CILIP website.
Effective Records and Information Management: I’ll be leading a day exploring the features of a records and information management programme for Understanding ModernGov on 24 April 2019. A programme and details of how to book can be found here on the Understanding ModernGov website.
Raiders of the Lost Archivist – the Quest for Compliance in the Netflix Era: join myself and Alison Drew as we discover the impossibility of escaping information governance, data protection, record management and freedom of information on a night in with the telly. If you’re attending the Information and Records Management Society (IRMS) conference at Celtic Manor between 19th and 21st May 2019, you’ll be able to hear what Bond, Indiana Jones, Bodyguard and a ton of sci-fi can tell us about the growing relevance of these issues in the modern world. You can find details of the IRMS conference and how to attend here.
Records Management and FOI: I’ll be making a return to the IRMS’s Public Sector Group on 12 July 2019 to discuss how records management does (and sometimes doesn’t) help with FOI compliance. IRMS members have priority for bookings. Details will be available in due course here on the Public Sector Group part of the IRMS website.
Complying with Data Subject Access Requests: a full-day course on handling subject access requests under data protection laws provided by Understanding ModernGov, and taking place on 17 July 2019. Full details here on the ModernGov website.
Watch out for details of more events as they are announced.