FOIMan highlights events he will be speaking at in Autumn 2019.

Last week I ran a workshop at the IRMS Public Sector Group on the relationship between FOI and records management. It was great fun and thanks again to Elizabeth Barber and Sarah Graham for inviting me, and to everyone who was there for taking part so enthusiastically. I’m hoping to return to speak at the PSG again later in the year, so watch this space.
I thought I’d highlight some other forthcoming public events that I’ll be speaking at. In addition to the below, don’t forget you can bring me to your organisation to deliver training, workshops and briefings – get in touch for a quote if that’s of interest. And I’m always willing to consider invitations to speak at free-to-attend industry/professional events, so just let me have details if you are looking for a speaker.
Please note that all links below are to external sites that I have no control over. Should you have any questions about these events or courses, or the websites, please get in touch with the relevant organisation.
12 September: I’ll be chairing a workshop on Effective Records and Information Management in Edinburgh. Understanding Modern Government are offering a £50 discount off the normal rates to readers of this blog. To obtain the discount follow the relevant link below and complete the company’s form.
Charity/Education/Local Gov/ Health £345.00+VAT
27 September: ‘The Linchpin: the role of Freedom of Information Officers in opening up the UK’s public authorities’, free ODI Fridays talk at the Open Data Institute
10 October: Effective Records and Information Management in London
7 November: Handling Subject Access Requests (private sector focus) for UMG Training in London
19 November: Handling Subject Access Requests (public sector focus) for Understanding Modern Government in Manchester
28 November: Excel at handling Freedom of Information requests for Understanding Modern Government in London