Every day between 1 December and 24 December this year FOI Man will Tweet a Freedom of Information treat. All these goodies will be listed here for your convenience.
Day 1: the post-legislative scrutiny report from the Justice Select Committee at http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201213/cmselect/cmjust/96/9602.htm …
Day 2: a guide for academics on how to make use of FOI in research http://www.ucl.ac.uk/constitution-unit/research/foi/foi-universities/academics-guide-to-foi.pdf …
Day 3: “Back off Graham, or the Government will be at its liberty to flick you the big V” https://www.foiman.com/archives/666
Day 4: Journalism News’s guide to making an FOI request featuring yours truly http://www.journalism.co.uk/skills/how-to-submit-a-freedom-of-information-request/s7/a548038/ …
Day 5: A special treat for today. Never published before, and with apologies to Gilbert & Sullivan, Modern Records Manager a litle something I prepared for a session of the 2009 Information and Records Management Society Conference
Day 6: all of the written submissions to the Justice Committee from earlier this year, courtesy of Save FOI
Day 7: new FOI website FOI Directory
Day 8: my guide to making responsible FOI requests
Day 9: the Information Commissioner’s new Guide to the Environmental Information Regulations
Day 10: the 2040 Information Law blog from Tim Turner
Day 11: My slides from PDP’s Annual FOI Conference May 2012
Day 12: Act Now Training‘s Ibrahim Hasan produces these excellent podcasts on FOI
Day 13: Jonathan Baines brings you his Information Rights and Wrongs
Day 14: Another goody from me – an article on Being Open to Open Data that first appeared in Act Now Training’s Newsletter
Day 15: Cal Flyn and Conrad Quilty Harper wrote this piece for Telegraph Online on the cost of FOI v other government spending
Day 16: the Government told us what it plans to do with FOI in the coming year or so, following the post-legislative scrutiny
Day 17: the incomparable Panopticon blog from 11KBW for all the latest case law on FOI and data protection
Day 18: amongst the evidence given to the Justice Committee was this gem from Gary Shipsey on the importance of records management to FOI compliance
Day 19: back in February, I wrote a blog post on Michael Gove, the Department for Education and private email accounts. Paul Waugh described the response from the mystery man Captain Sensible, who appeared to be a DfE insider
Day 20: in November, JISC Info produced this handy tool for monitoring FOI requests, aimed at higher education FOI Officers
Day 21: one of the first things I did in 2012 was submit my evidence to the Justice Committee on FOI
Day 22: you can order publications and training materials from the Information Commissioner’s Office
Day 23: the blog that inspired this one in the first place – UK Freedom of Information Blog, now maintained by the Campaign for Freedom of Information
Day 24: lots of examples of FOI being put to good use from FOI Monkey on the Save FOI website, and the Information Commissioner
Hope you’ve enjoyed this bit of festive fun, and maybe found something you’d not seen before.
Absolute genius with the G&S reworking… tried and failed not to laugh when reading.
Although I wanted to scream ‘humbug’, sadly, I actually find this to be awesome.
Thanks guys, glad you’re enjoying this. Just a bit of fun… 🙂