FOIMan highlights his guides – in particular a new guide to organising in-house training.
Last week I introduced my newly revamped website here at, and in this post I’d like to highlight how you can find free resources including FOIMan’s Guides.
Long-time readers will recall that over the last few years I’ve made available a number of guides to elements of FOI and other information law. These have included a guide to making FOI requests, a guide to FOI exemptions (previously labelled The Exemption Index), and a brief guide to the GDPR.
These guides can still be found under Blog/Resources in the main menu at the top of the page. I’ve updated a number of them (notably the Guide to the GDPR) and standardised their presentation. You can also find a new guide to organising in-house training. Whether you decide to ask me to deliver your training or not, hopefully the new guide will help you to get the most out of any in-house training in FOI, data protection or information management that you organise in future.
There are also several other features that can be found on the Resources page/under the Resources menu such as access to all my articles for The Freedom of Information Journal and a page with links to Essential websites including those giving access to information commissioner and tribunal decisions.