FOIMan brings you a recent podcast from the Information & Records Management Society on private email accounts, FOI and records management.
As indicated in my last post, my usual long, considered (possibly verbose) blog posts will continue to be infrequent for a month or so. In their absence, I’m going to provide links over the next few weeks to a number of publications and other resources that I’ve contributed to this year, and that you might find interesting and/or useful.
First up, at the end of September, records management consultant James Lappin came to meet me for a chat about FOI, private email accounts and the implications of all of that for records management. You can hear the result in the second installment of the IRMS podcast series.
James and his fellow consultant, Heather Jack, have also interviewed Canadian records management expert Chris Walker about auto-classification of records, and Hugh Hagan of the National Records of Scotland on the Public Records (Scotland) Act.
Incidentally, I wrote recently on Act Now Training’s blog (Blog Now) about records management and the importance of just getting on with it. I run the Records Management A-Z training course for Act Now and will also be developing a Records Management and the PR(S)A course which will run for the first time in Edinburgh next May. More details can be found on the Act Now Training website.